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. 2018 Jul 9;13(7):e0198047. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198047

Table 4. Making a quit attempt and quitting smoking for ≥ 30 days by ENDS use and characteristics of ends use among all baseline smokers (N = 822) and baseline daily smokers (N = 613*).

Made ≥ 1 Quit Attempt During Study Not Smoking (≥30 days) at Follow-Up
ENDS Use During 12-Month Study Denom Num wt. % 95% CI AOR 95% CI Denom Num wt. % 95% CI AOR 95% CI
No ENDS Use (Reference) 486 197 44.2 37.32, 51.27 REF - 486 83 22.2 16.70, 28.91 REF -
No ENDS Use (Reference–Daily Smokers) 365 114 31.22 23.99, 39.49 REF - 365 36 9.17 5.56, 14.77 REF -
Model 3a: ENDS Use Frequency
Non-daily ENDS use 282 146 59.7 50.36, 68.42 2.14 1.24, 3.69 283 19 7.5 4.01, 13.54 0.27 0.11, 0.64
Daily ENDS use 53 31 50.9 30.44, 71.11 0.93 0.32, 2.65 53 10 9.3 4.01, 20.26 0.17 0.04, 0.82
Model 3b: ENDS Use Frequency (Daily Smokers)
Non-daily ENDS use 212 94 53.22 42.12, 64.02 2.56 1.37, 4.78 213 7 2.95 0.96, 8.66 0.29 0.08, 1.10
Daily ENDS use 35 20 53.87 30.30, 75.83 1.77 0.48, 6.50 35 9 13.03 5.19, 29.06 0.75 0.18, 3.13
Model 4a: Importance of ENDS Use for Quitting Smoking
None or low importance 45 20 44.9 25.23, 66.37 1.35 0.45, 4.06 45 3 8.5 1.49, 36.02 0.16 0.03, 0.87
Moderate to high importance 245 130 60.8 50.85, 70.01 1.8 1.01, 3.21 246 25 8.1 4.48, 14.05 0.24 0.10, 0.59
Model 4b: Importance of ENDS Use for Quitting Smoking (Daily Smokers)
None or low importance 29 12 31.74 13.42, 58.25 1.13 0.19, 6.71 29 1 1.19 0.14, 9.30 0.07 0.00, 1.22
Moderate to high importance 181 81 55.46 43.59, 66.73 2.38 1.23, 4.60 182 14 4.02 1.86, 8.49 0.30 0.10, 0.88
Model 5a: ENDS Flavors
Tobacco/unflavored 95 42 48.9 32.32, 65.79 1.51 0.57, 3.96 96 3 2.7 0.64, 10.64 0.11 0.02, 0.50
Menthol / Wintergreen / Mint 57 33 60.6 37.76, 79.60 3.41 1.33, 8.71 57 7 6.37 2.22, 16.92 0.38 0.11, 1.36
All other flavors (e.g., fruit, candy) 174 97 60.86 49.52, 71.14 1.83 0.97, 3.48 174 17 8.75 4.43, 16.56 0.22 0.08, 0.59
Model 5b: ENDS Flavors (Daily Smokers)
Tobacco/unflavored 78 30 41.59 23.88, 61.77 1.39a 0.52, 3.76 79 1 1.05 0.14, 7.49 0.04 0.00, 0.86
Menthol / Wintergreen / Mint 42 25 66.39 37.38, 86.73 6.02a 2.28, 15.91 42 5 4.73 1.40, 14.84 0.46 0.10, 2.11
All other flavors (e.g., fruit, candy) 119 55 54.48 40.89, 67.43 2.36 1.13, 4.96 119 8 3.68 1.20, 10.76 0.32 0.09, 1.11
Model 6a: ENDS Device Type
Tank ENDS 116 59 53.7 38.86, 67.91 1.53 0.73, 3.19 117 11 11.1 4.85, 23.44 0.39 0.12, 1.27
Cartridge ENDS 149 80 60.76 47.57, 72.55 1.96 1.02, 3.75 149 12 5.45 2.21, 12.84 0.16 0.05, 0.48
Disposable/Other ENDS 70 38 62.06 44.10, 77.23 2.51 0.85, 7.38 70 6 6.4 2.16, 17.46 0.24 0.05, 1.05
Model 6b: ENDS Device Type (Daily Smokers)
Tank ENDS 86 39 51.78 34.78, 68.38 2.16 0.89, 5.27 87 6 5.46 1.60, 17.06 0.49 0.11, 2.28
Cartridge ENDS 113 52 50.92 35.97, 65.70 2.26 1.07, 4.78 113 8 2.82 1.15, 6.74 0.19 0.04, 0.87
Disposable/Other 48 23 60.04 37.76, 78.82 3.18 1.06, 9.51 48 2 4.27 0.69, 22.32 0.49 0.08, 3.05

ENDS = electronic nicotine delivery systems; Denom = denominator; Num = numerator; wt. = weighted; CI = confidence interval; AOR = adjusted odds ratio; REF = reference.

Statistical adjustments are made for baseline perceptions of addiction, cravings to smoke, cigarettes per day smoked, number of years having smoked, past year quit attempts, use of nicotine replacement theory, poly-use of other combusted tobacco, smoker regret, socio-demographics (age, gender, race/ethnicity, education, household income, MSA status, marital status, sexual orientation, US Census region, children in household), perceived physical health, presence of asthma, chronic bronchitis or COPD, receiving psychological therapy, alcohol consumption, and past year participation in other tobacco studies through GfK.

*Sample sizes for the models may fluctuate due to missing data on importance of ENDS use for quitting smoking, ENDS flavors, and ENDS device type. See S4 Table for results among all baseline smokers based on multiply imputed data.

Exploratory pairwise comparisons among ENDS exposure groups were conducted. AOR with matching superscripts within an outcome model indicate that these groups were significantly different.