Figure 5.
Fluorescence micrographs of stylet sheath tracks (blue-green) produced by Diaphorina citri nymphs (A–F) and adults (G–I) in midribs of young leaves from healthy or CLas-infected citron plants. Tracks produced by nymphs were often branched (arrows) in mesophyll (A and D) or in the phloem (C and F, double arrows). Tracks terminating in phloem are shown in panels B, C, D, F and H; a pathway terminating near the fibrous ring is shown in panel G. In panel I, an adult track included penetration of both phloem (arrow) and xylem (double arrow). In panel E, a track produced by a nymph circumvents the fibrous ring to reach the phloem through gaps (arrows) in that ring. Panels A–C, H and I are from healthy leaves; panels D–F and G are from infected leaves. Colors in panel A are different because this is a younger leaf with the fibrous ring and xylem vessels apparently still immature or unlignified. Abbreviations: fr, fibrous ring; mp, mesophyll parenchyma; ph, phloem; xy, xylem; Scale bars = 100 µm.