Figure 3.
Immunohistochemistry performed against several potential clinical markers on control and AMI. A) Subject n. 27; fibronectin staining was graded as 1. B) Subject n. 13; fibronectin staining was graded as 3. C) Subject n. 22 (control); Cx43 resulted positive (grade 2) at ID, whereas it was negative in the cytoplasm. D) Subject n. 12; Cx43 resulted weakly positive (grade 1) at ID, whereas it was appreciably positive in the cytoplasm (grade 1). E) Subject n. 26 (control); npCx43 staining resulted weakly positive in the ID (grade 1), negative in the cytoplasm. F) Subject n. 11; npCx43 staining resulted strongly positive in the cytoplasm (grade 3).