Figure 2.
Antibody response to tetanus toxoid and causative agents of malaria and NTDs measured by multiplex bead assay among 2,150 women, Cambodia, 2012. Specimens were measured by using the Luminex platform (Luminex Corporation, Austin, TX, USA) (25). A) Relationship between pairs of antibodies measured by mean antibody response (log10 MFI – bg) in each of the 100 sampling clusters. Scatter plots include nonparametric locally weighted regression fits trimmed to reduce edge effects. Correlation ellipses depict the strength of the association on the basis of the Pearson correlation (r estimates). Both axes indicate mean antibody response. B) Heatmap of mean antibody response to tetanus toxoid and pathogens that cause malaria and NTDs in 100 sampling clusters stratified by region and then sorted by mean antibody response. Data set and computational notebook are available through the Open Science Framework ( MFI – bg, mean fluorescence intensity minus background; MSP, merozoite surface protein; NTDs, neglected tropical diseases; SAG2A, surface antigen 2A; VPDs, vaccine-preventable diseases.