kin.setup |
.segmentlabel |
23×1 cell array containing the names of the body segments |
.sensorlabel |
17×1 cell array containing the sensor placement sites |
.jointlabel |
22×1 cell array containing the joint names |
.numTrials |
Scalar value indicating the number of times the gait course was completed for that session (down and back indicates one completion). This is either one or two. |
| |
.sensorAcceleration |
.Pelvis.T8.Head.RightShoulder.RightUpperArm.RightForeArm.RightHand.LeftShoulder.LeftUpperArm.LeftForeArm.LeftHand.RightUpperLeg.RightLowerLeg.RightFoot.LeftUpperLeg.LeftLowerLeg.LeftFoot |
N×3 matrix containing sensor acceleration vector (x,y,z) at each time point N (units: m/s2) |
.sensorAngularVelocity |
N×3 matrix containing sensor angular velocity vector (x,y,z) at each time point N (units: rad/s2) |
.sensorOrientation |
N×3 matrix containing sensor orientation vector (x,y,z) at each time point N in the global frame (units: m) |
.sensorMagneticField |
N×3 matrix containing sensor magnetic field vector (x,y,z) at each time point N (units: arbitrary) |
.orientationQuaternion |
.Pelvis.L5.L3.T12.T8.Neck.Head.RightShoulder.RightUpperArm.RightForeArm.RightHand.LeftShoulder.LeftUpperArm.LeftForeArm.LeftHand.RightUpperLeg.RightLowerLeg.RightFoot.RightToe.LeftUpperLeg.LeftLowerLeg.LeftFoot.LeftToe |
N×4 matrix containing segment orientation quaternion (q0, q1, q2, q3) at each time point N |
.orientationEuler |
N×3 matrix containing segment orientation (x,y,z) at each time point N (units: m) |
.position |
N×3 matrix containing the position vector (x, y, z) of the origin of the segment in the global frame at each time point N (units: m) |
.velocity |
N×3 matrix containing the velocity vector (x, y, z) of the origin of the segment in the global frame at each time point N (units: m/s) |
.acceleration |
N×3 matrix containing the acceleration vector (x, y, z) of the origin of the segment in the global frame at each time point N (units: m/s2) |
.angularVelocity |
N×3 matrix containing the angular velocity vector (x, y, z) of the segment in the global frame in (units: rad/s) |
.angularAcceleration |
N×3 matrix containing the angular acceleration vector (x, y, z) of the segment in the global frame in (units: rad/s2) |
.jointAngle |
.jL5S1.jL4L3.jL1T12.jT9T8.jT1C7.jC1Head.jRightC7Shoulder.jRightShoulder.jRightElbow.jRightWrist.jLeftC7Shoulder.jLeftShoulder.jLeftElbow.jLeftWrist.jRightHip.jRightKnee.jRightAnkle.jRightBallFoot.jLeftHip.jLeftKnee.jLeftAnkle.jLeftBallFoot |
N×3 matrix containing the Euler representation of the joint angle vector (x, y, z) calculated using the Euler sequence ZXY (units: deg) |
.centerOfMass |
N×3 matrix containing the body Center of Mass (x,y,z) in the global frame at each time point N (units: m) |
kin.srate |
Scalar value indicating sampling rate of system (30 Hz or 60 Hz) |