Both CD4-LCNPs and fCD4-LCNPs showed preferential binding to CD3+ CD14-CD8-cells from macaque PBMCs. Replacement of DOTAP with chol-but in the LCNP lipid composition led to significant reduction of nonspecific binding, and improved targeting functions of CD4-LCNPs. (A, D) Representative flow cytometry dot plots of PBMC populations (CD3+ CD14-CD8- vs. CD3+ CD14-CD8+) associated with DiD/ dtLCNPs (A) or DiD/cbLCNPs (D) conjugated with different CD4 targeting ligands or their controls. (B, E) Mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of DiD signals from CD3+ CD14-CD8- or CD3+ CD14-CD8+ cells after incubation of PBMCs with various CD4 targeted DiD/dtLCNPs (B) or DiD/cbLCNPs (E). (C, F) MFI ratio of DiD signals from CD3+ CD14-CD8- cells to CD3+ CD14-CD8+ cells after incubation of PBMCs with LCNPs accordingly. Data represents mean ± SD from PBMCs of three pigtail macaques. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005. ***p < 0.0005.