Figure 4.
Treatment of antioxidants and CYP1A1 inhibitors reduce ROS in U1 cells due to BaP exposure. U1 cells were concomitantly treated with BaP (1 µM) and antioxidants [vitamin C (Vit-C, 100 µM), vitamin E (Vit-E, 100 µM), pinostilbene (Pin, 2 µM), and resveratrol (Res, 50 µM)] (A) or a CYP1A1 inhibitor [ellipticine (Epi, 1 µM)]. (B) Treated cells were stained with CM-DCFDA dye and the fluorescence emitted was measured using flow cytometry at excitation/emission of 495/519 nm. Treatment of BaP (1 µM) significantly increased ROS in U1 cells, which was rescued by the treatment of vitamin C, resveratrol and ellipticine. The data were obtained from the mean of at least three independent experiments. * and ** represents p ≤ 0.05 and p ≤ 0.005 respectively, compared with the control group while # and ## represents p ≤ 0.05 and p ≤ 0.005, respectively, compared to the BaP-treated groups. Figure C. shows the graphical representation of mean fluorescence intensity due to the treatments.