Figure 3.
GABAergic spontaneous IPSCs. (A) Raster plots displaying all events in 1 min of recording from all patched cells. (B) Representative traces of spontaneous IPSCs with detected events marked (*) for Wistar (blue) and WAR (fucsia) cells. All events disappeared after addition of picrotoxin (20 µM) in the bath. (C) Histograms with the sum of all inter-event intervals (IEI; Bin width = 200 ms). (D) Cumulative fraction of events of IEIs. (E) Mean global frequency of IPSCs for each group of animals. (F) Histogram showing distribution of events by amplitude recorded during 1 min (Bin width = 20pA). (G) Cumulative fraction of amplitudes per group. (H) Mean amplitude of all detected IPSCs per group. **P < 0.01. N = 15 cells from 7 Wistars and N = 20 from 7 WARs.