Figure 4.
Frequency and IEI of quantal GABAergic mIPSCs. (A) Raster plots displaying all events in 1 min from all patched cells. (B) Representative traces of spontaneous mIPSCs with detected events marked (*) for Wistar (blue) and WAR (fucsia) cells. (C) Histogram showing distribution of events by IEI recorded for 5 minutes (Bins of 200 ms). (D) Cumulative fraction of IEI per group. (Bins of 50 ms). (E) Mean global frequency of mIPSCs. (F) Histogram showing distribution of events by amplitude recorded for 5 minutes (Bins of 20 pA). (G) Cumulative fraction of amplitudes per group. (H) Mean amplitudes. N = 13 cells from 7 Wistars and N = 18 from 7 WARs.