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. 2018 Jun 26;20(6):e10148. doi: 10.2196/10148

Table 1.

Examples from the full end-to-end system. Spelling and grammatical errors, as well as profanities, are preserved to illustrate the nature of the peer interactions on the network. Here, we illustrate examples of responses that were deemed good, ok, and bad. The response that was rated bad (depicted in row 3) exhibited a mismatch in gender pronouns.

Incoming Post Retrieved Post Retrieved Response User Rating
I have really bad social anxiety and im really afraid of public places, i cant go to the grocery store alone and im 17. i'll never get over it I had really bad anxiety and I'm always scared to go places or to get out the house. And my mom doesn't do anything about it I'll never get over anxiety I deal with anxiety too but it will get better. I know it seems hard right now but it will get better, please never forget that. I know it seems really hard but life gets better. Never forget that no matter what happens you can always get through it. It'll be okay. It will. Good
I'm anxious about a class I'm taking because I don't know anyone in it. The class is going to be tricky because I skipped two levels to take this third level of the class, and it feels like i don't have anyone that can help me. :-( My anxiousness is going to get the best of me and cause me to fail the class by not participating.

It's the second week of school, and I'm very stressed about the amount of homework that I have and the level of classes I chose to take. I don't know how to handle it well that I'm going to fail all my classes and I'm so lost I don't think it will get better

I definitely understand how stressful that can be, and I'm sorry you're feeling this way An important thing to remember is that everyone is different. Sadly too many often place too much pressure on students, but just remember YOU and your health come FIRST.

This Girl i like likes me too but i think ill fuck things up cause i am not really confident. Im really not confident I really like this guy and he used to be really awkward around me and I was with him too but all of the sudden he's gotten really smooth and confident but I still can't even look him in the eye without my fave turning so red I just don't think I can be confident I really want to but I don't know how hey, this is sweet. and I myself am a guy and its best to be yourself around us guys, that's what we love. a girl who is herself! good luck!
