Figure 6.
Cumulative dose-volume histogram (DVH) for photon beams treating a 4 cm diameter tumour in the periphery of a 17.5 cm diameter spherical head phantom. The curves correspond to the use of GNP cellular uptake (noGNP: without GNP uptake, cyto: GNPs distributed in cytoplasm, and homo: GNPs distributed in the whole cell), incident photon mean energy, and organs. Incident photon energies are 6 MV (mean energy=1.3 MeV), 250 kVp (mean energy=140.0 keV), 100 kVp (mean energy=45.6 keV), and 50 kVp (mean energy=28.5 keV). A shell thickness of 0.5 cm inside sphere surface was considered as the skin region. The dotted and solid lines indicate the DVH for the tumour and the body excluding the tumour volume, respectively. All plans were normalized such that 90% of the prescription dose covered at least 90% of the tumour volume.