Fig 5. Semaphorin proteins predicted from the G. bimaculatus transcriptome share most of the functional domains found in Drosophila Sema proteins.
A) The type, number, and order of protein domains was assessed using Drosophila Sema1a, isoform G (AGB92801) and the putative G. bimaculatus Sema1a (TRINITY_DN169697_c2_g1_i3) as queries in a conserved domain search. Both proteins possessed a sema domain (red rectangle) and a plexin repeat (blue rectangle). Diagonal lines indicate sequence missing from the N- and C-terminal ends of the predicted G. bimaculatus protein. B) The type, number, and order of protein domains was assessed using Drosophila Sema2a, isoform E (AAS64837) and the putative G. bimaculatus Sema2a (TRINITY_DN173773_c2_g2_i6) as queries in a conserved domain search. Both proteins possessed a sema domain (red rectangle) and an Ig domain (purple). Drosophila Sema2a, isoform E possessed a plexin repeat (blue rectangle) which was missing in G. bimaculatus. C) The type, number, and order of protein domains was assessed using Drosophila Sema5C, isoform B (ACZ94701) and the putative G. bimaculatus Sema5 (TRINITY_DN165105_c1_g2_i8) as queries in a conserved domain search. Both proteins possessed a sema domain (red rectangle) and a plexin repeat (blue rectangle). Drosophila Sema5c isoform B had six thrombospondin type 1 domains while the predicted Sema5 in G. bimaculatus had just four (light blue ovals).