Figure 5.
The bosR 5′ UTR sRNA (SR0546) is RelBbu-dependent. (A) The deep sequencing reads from both the wild-type and ΔrelBbu strains during nutrient stress are shown in coverage maps with both biological replicates overlaid in dark and light blue (negative strand); the deep sequencing reads from the sRNA coverage map are from Popitsch et al. (2017). The number associated with each strand represents the normalized number of reads and varies depending on the library. The corresponding ORF is shown in black below the RNA-seq coverage maps. The yellow box defines the position of the called sRNA with the SR number and the magenta line represents the position of the 32P-labeled oligonucleotide probe used in the Northern blot analysis. (B) Northern blot analysis of total RNA from wild-type and ΔrelBbu strains using 32P-labeled oligonucleotide probes (Table S1) to the asRNA SR0546 and ffs (4.5S RNA) as a loading control. Asterisk denotes the sRNA size predicted from RNA-seq analyses.