Figure 3.
Analysis of nonvolatile compounds of chrysanthemum plants. (a) Negative mode LC‐Q‐TOF‐MS chromatograms of aqueous–methanol extract of leaves of wild type chrysanthemum plant and transgenic TcCHS chrysanthemum plant. The compound eluting at 46.84 min uniquely found in the TcCHS overexpressing chrysanthemum plants. (b) The MS spectrum of the 46.84 min compound. (c) The spectrum of collision‐induced fragmentation of mass 401.179 eluting at 46.84 min, which was identified by NMR as chrysanthemyl‐6‐O‐malonyl‐β‐D‐glucopyranoside. (d) 600 MHz 1 HNMR spectrum of chrysanthemyl‐6‐O‐malonyl‐β‐D‐glucopyranoside.