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. 2018 Jul 12;362:k601. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k601

Table 1.

Three key assumptions that must hold for a Mendelian randomisation study to be valid

Assumption Description Tools to assess plausibility
Single sample Two sample
Relevance assumption The genetic variants associate with the risk factor of interest The partial F statistic and partial r squared, or risk difference Variants are associated with the risk factor in a large genome-wide study
Independence assumption There are no unmeasured confounders of the associations between genetic variants and outcome Covariate balance tests and bias component plots. Adjusting for principal components of population stratification Evidence from large genome-wide association studies on the association of the genetic variants used as instruments with other baseline covariates
Exclusion restriction The genetic variants affect the outcome only through their effect on the risk factor of interest Biological knowledge, tests of association of the genetic variants and potential alternative mediating pathways Evidence from large genome-wide association studies that the genetic variants associate with alternative pathways. MR Egger test for pleiotropy, Cook’s distance evaluation of outliers