Figure 2.
Path analysis model showing the relationships from the integration level and the teaching format of the curriculum on students’ perception of their educational context and on their learning approaches (only significant relationships are indicated).
Model 2 tested the relationships from the integration level and the teaching format of the curriculum on students’ use of deep (DA) and surface (SA) learning approaches, postulating a direct path and an indirect path mediated via students’ perception of their educational context. The model assumed that the 5 DREEM subscales were inter-correlated with one another as well as DA with SA. Only significant relationships between integration level, teaching format, students’ perception and students’ learning approaches are represented with their beta coefficients on the figure. Full lines are positive relationships and dotted lines negative relationships.NB: The relationships between gender, age and the other variables are not represented for a matter of clarity but can be found in Table 5. All coefficients are adjusted for gender and age.