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. 2018 Jul 10;13(1):1484219. doi: 10.1080/17482631.2018.1484219
Introduction Welcoming participants; introductions
Explaining purpose and context of the focus group (no right or wrong answers, keeping confidentiality within the group)
Explaining about the research project and ethics, that information is confidential and no names will be used
Main body General well-being evaluation: How would you rate your wellbeing these days?
Evaluation of the programme: What is your general evaluation of this programme?
How did this programme affect the way you feel day-to-day?
How did you experience doing music as part of this particular group?
[If applicable] Recovery: How does the making of music help us in this change ?
Transition: Of all the things we discussed, what do you think is the most important aspect to take from this experience?
Close Thanks; contact information for further follow up; explain how data will be used