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. 2018 Jul 11;20:140. doi: 10.1186/s13075-018-1644-6

Table 2.

Summaries of pooled depression prevalence grouped by screening criteria and thresholds used

Quality-effects model Random-effects model Sensitivity analysis
Pooled prevalence 95% CI, I2 Pooled prevalence 95% CI, I2 Pooled prevalence 95% CI, I2
All studies HADS (≥ 7/8) 38% 30 to 45%, I2 = 85% 40% 47 to 33%, I2 = 85% 36% 30 to 42%, I2 = 77%
HADS (≥ 11) 15% 6 to 25%, I2 = 89% 17% 11 to 24%, I2 = 89% 14% 12 to 15%, I2 = 0%
SDS 52% 29 to 75%, I2 = 96% 41% 26 to 58%, I2 = 96% 36% 31 to 40%, I2 = 13%
AS HADS (≥ 7/8) 38% 28 to 48%, I2 = 86% 38% 28 to 48%, I2 = 86% 36% 28 to 45%, I2 = 79%
HADS (≥ 11) 18% 3 to 36%, I2 = 94% 18% 3 to 36%, I2 = 94% 11% 8 to 15%, I2 = 0%
SDS 52% 28 to 76%, I2 = 96% 41% 25 to 58%, I2 = 96% 35% 31 to 39%, I2 = 0%
nr-axSpA HADS (≥ 7/8) 36% 27 to 46%, I2 = 71% 36% 27 to 46%, I2 = 71% NA NA

Estimates were presented by quality-effects model, random-effects model, and sensitivity analysis excluding the studies by Hakkou et al. and Jiang et al.

HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale—depression subscale, SDS Zung self-rating depression scale, AS ankylosing spondylitis, axSpA axial spondyloarthritis, nr-axSpA non-radiographic axSpA, NA not applicable