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. 2018 Jul 5;8(7):e021999. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-021999

Table 2.

Between-group comparison

ANOVA time x group
Between-group comparison of change scores culture–usual mean (95%  CI) F (1,46) value Partial η2
BPI pain severity −0.14 (−1.25 to 0.97)* 0.063 0.001
BPI pain interference† −0.57 (−1.73 to 0.60)* 0.962 0.020
Pain-self separation† 3.56 (0.11 to 7.0) 4.322 0.086
6MWT (m) 28.44 (−7.40 to 64.28) 2.551 0.053
STS test (reps) 1.13 (−2.44 to 4.69) 0.405 0.009
DASS depression −2.67 (−9.03 to 3.69)* 0.712 0.015
DASS anxiety −2.0 (−8.28 to 4.28)* 0.411 0.009
DASS stress 0.58 (−4.80 to 5.97)* 0.048 0.001

*Minus score in favour of experimental group.

†Transformed data.

ANOVA, analysis of variance; BPI, Brief Pain Inventory; DASS, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale; 6MWT, 6 min walk test; STS, sit to stand test.