A. Schematic of the zebrafish habenula showing the anatomical subdivisions
corresponding to the dorso-medial (orange), dorso-lateral (red) and ventral
(blue) regions. These subdivisions are known to have distinct gene expression
patterns and functionality.
B. Overview of the experimental strategy. Transgenic heads with
gng8-GFP positive cells were dissected, pooled and
dissociated, followed by enrichment of GFP+ habenular cells
using fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS). Single cell libraries were
prepared using droplet-based droplet and plate-based Smart-seq2. Raw reads were
processed to obtain a gene expression matrix (genes x cells). PCA and graph
clustering was used to divide cells into clusters and identify cluster specific
markers. Validation and spatial localization was performed using fluorescent RNA
in situ hybridization (FISH) of statistically significant
cluster-specific markers (see STAR Methods).
C. 2D visualization of single cell clusters using t-distributed Stochastic
Neighbor Embedding (tSNE). Individual points correspond to single cells and are
color-coded according to their cluster membership determined by graph-based
clustering. The tSNE mapping was only used for post hoc visualization of the
clustering but not to define the clusters themselves.
D. Gene Expression profiles (columns) of select cluster-specific markers
identified through differential expression analysis (DEA) of previously known
(labeled with an asterisk (*)) and new habenular types (rows). Bar on
the right displays the percent of total dataset represented in every cluster,
showing the abundance of each cell type found by clustering analysis.
E. A dendrogram representing global inter-cluster transcriptional relationships.
The dendrogram was built by performing hierarchical clustering (correlation
distance, average linkage) on the average gene-expression profiles for each
cluster restricting to the highly variable genes in the dataset.
See also Figure S1,
Table S1