Fig. 3.
The in-vitro binding analysis of the TIRR–53BP1 TTD complex. a The ITC titration of wild-type TIRR with 53BP1 TTD. b The ITC titration of 53BP1 TTD with H4K20me2 peptide (residues 12–25). c TIRR competes out H4K20me2 peptide (residues 12–25) for the interaction with 53BP1 TTD. 0.1, 1, and 10 represent the molar ratio between TIRR and H4K20me2 in each sample. d The mutations of TIRR abolish the interaction with 53BP1 TTD. The in-vitro interaction between TIRR and 53BP1 TTD was examined by the GST pull-down assay and western blot with indicated antibodies. e The mutations of 53BP1 TTD abolish the interaction with TIRR. Uncropped blots are shown in Supplementary Fig. 10