Figure 1.
(A) Axial (left column) and Coronal (right column) high resolution T2w MR images of a representative healthy control C57BL/6 mouse (first row) and representative TRAMP mice at three development stages namely: early stage (second row), middle stage (third row), differentiated late stage (fourth row) (Thin white arrow indicates prostate, thin yellow arrow indicates tumoral lesion in seminal vesicles, i.e. phyllodes tumor). (fifth row) Poorly differentiated late stage, PD (thick white arrow = poorly differentiated PCa region, red arrow = differentiated PCa, green arrow = invaded seminal vesicles); (B) Histograms reporting prostate’s size for the investigated groups. Data are reported as mean ± SD; (C) Representative H/E histological images of prostate tissue in healthy and TRAMP mice and of healthy seminal vesicles and phyllodes tumour (Magnification 200X. Poorly differentiated tumor image on the left: magnification 100X. Poorly differentiated tumor image on the right: magnification 25X). White outlines indicate areas of necrosis. PD = poorly differentiated. (n = 8).