Figure 7.
Comparison of PC12 and DRG neurites. (A) PC12 neurite (top) and DRG mouse neuron (bottom) of similar radii and length. Scale bars correspond to 10μm. (B) Probability density functions of the fluctuation amplitude for a PC12 neurite (top, Sh = 8.32 ± 0.02 nm) and DRG neuron (bottom, Sh = 13.45 ± 0.03 nm) respectively. (C) Power Spectrum Density of DRG neuron. The continuous black line corresponds to the average PSD of the DRG samples (N = 5), whereas the pink region stands for the minimum and maximum PSD's of the collected data to show the variability range of these five DRG neurons. As a reference, the PC12 neurites PSD shown in Figure 5A are displayed in gray segmented lines.