Figure 1.
P19 EC cells that stably express a functional GFPFoxA1 fusion protein. (A) Stable expression of GFPFoxA1 in P19 cells. GFPFoxA1-expressing P19 cell lines were established according to procedures detailed in Materials and Methods. Total RNA samples were isolated from P19 cells and three individual clones (clone 1, 2, and 3) of P19 GFPFoxA1 cells, and the mRNA levels of GFPFoxA1 and cyclophilin were measured by RT-PCR Assays. (B–E) The established P19 GFPFoxA1 cells express a functional fusion protein. The clone 1 cells were chosen to measure the expression of GFPFoxA1 fusion protein by fluorescence microscopy (B), flow cytometry (C), and Western blotting (D). The transcriptional activity of GFPFoxA1 fusion protein was confirmed by the activation of FoxA1 binding sites containing promoter (Cdx2 promoter) in clone 1 cells (E).