Figure 5. Arc‐, slit‐, and ring‐shaped GSDMDN term oligomers imaged at sub‐nanometer resolution.
AHigh‐resolution AFM topograph of GSDMDNterm oligomers assembled on SLMs made from POPC, DOPG, DOPS, DOPE, and CL (40:20:10:20:10 molar ratio). After SLMs have been incubated with GSDMD and caspase‐1 for 60 min at 37°C, FD‐based AFM topograph was recorded in buffer solution at room temperature (Materials and Methods).
B, CGSDMDNterm oligomers shown at higher magnification. Arrows indicate adjacent subunits of oligomers, which show an average distance of 2.3 ± 0.3 nm (mean ± SD, n = 117).
D–FAverage number of subunits per (D) arc‐, (E) slit‐, and (F) ring‐shaped GSDMDNterm oligomer. Black lines are Gaussian fits used to determine mean ± SE of the data, and n indicates the number of oligomers measured.