(A) Flow-chart used to identify candidate circRNAs silenced in colon cancer through CpG island hypermethylation in the promoter region of their host genes. FC, Fold Change; SNP, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism. (B) DNA methylation profile of the 5′-end CpG island regulatory region for the TUSC3, ATRNL1, POMT1 or SAMD4A genes analyzed by the 450K DNA methylation microarray. DNA methylation data for healthy colon mucosa correspond to two normal colon patient samples available at TCGA (Normal colon 1: TCGA-A6-2675-11A, sigmoid colon normal tissue; Normal colon 2: TCGA-A6-2685-11A, sigmoid colon normal tissue). Single CpG absolute methylation levels (0–1) are shown. Green, unmethylated; red, methylated. Data from normal colon, HCT-116 and DKO cells are shown.