Figure 6. Significant prognostic value of IFN-γ mediated signalling in breast cancer patients.
Kaplan – Meier plot of high risk versus low risk tumours stratified by expression of IFN-γ, TP63, TP53 and in combination with the 6 candidate genes (JAK2, STAT6, CXCR6, IL6ST, IRF2, and GBP2) representative of IFN-γ signalling from the TCGA cohort. (A) Log2RNA expression levels of these 9 genes in high risk and low risk breast tumours from the TCGA cohort using t-test (* - p<0.05 was considered significant). High risk groups were those patients that had reduced disease free survival compared to low risk group patients. (B) ER positive tumours (hazard ratio (HR) = 3.28 (CI: 1.76 – 6.11), p = 0.0002). (C) ER negative tumours (hazard ratio (HR) = 3.41 (CI: 1.28 – 9.06), p = 0.013). All analyses were done using SurvExpress web resource [28].