a, Schematic of experiments performed in (b). b,
Expression of LPS-response genes in control BMDMs that have undergone the
given treatments. 4 major expression patterns of LPS response genes in
response to tolerization were noted (n=5 biologically independent
samples). c, Schematic of experiments performed in (d).
d, Cytokine production, measured by ELISA, by BMDMs
re-stimulated with LPS overnight after pre-treatment with LPS for the given
periods of time. Time points chosen for miRNA microarray analysis are
highlighted in gray (n=3 biologically independent samples).
e, Schematic of strategy for experiments performed in Fig. 1. f, Comparison of
microarray (x-axis) and qPCR (y-axis) measurements of LPS-induced
upregulation of miRNAs. Linear regression showing correlation between the
two methods is plotted (n=16 miRNAs tested). g, qPCR
verification of LPS-induced change in expression of 9 miRNAs (n=3
biologically independent samples). h, Expression of miR-222
after stimulation of BMDMs by anti-inflammatory and tolerance-inducing
factors for the given lengths of time (n=5 biologically independent
samples; Dex, Dexamethasone). i, Expression of miR-222 in
response to LPS alone, or LPS after pre-treatment of BMDMs with IFNγ
(n=4 biologically independent samples). For all bar and line graphs,
mean +/− SEM is plotted. ** p <
0.01, * p < 0.05, + p < 0.1 as determined by
2-sided Student’s t-test for paired values.