Figure 1. miR-222 is upregulated in tolerized BMDMs and suppresses inflammatory gene expression.
a, miRNA expression in BMDMs from 2 mice (A or B) by microarray. b, Overlay of qPCR measurement of miR-222 levels in naïve BMDMs (right axis, n=4 biologically independent samples) and cytokine release after re-stimulation of BMDMs as in Extended Data Fig. 2a (left axis, n=3 biologically independent samples) to correlate miR-222 expression kinetics with immunosuppression. c, LPS-induced cytokine production after mimic transfection (n=5 biologically independent samples). d-f, BMDMs (d, f) or immortalized BMDMs (iBMDMs, e) were transduced with antagonist constructs. d, Cytokine production after stimulation of naïve cells (n=4 biologically independent samples). e, Re-stimulation of cells with fixed LPS doses after varying pre-treatment time (n=3 independent experiments). f, Re-stimulation of cells with varying LPS doses after fixed pre-treatment time (n=6 biologically independent samples). For all graphs, center value represents mean and error bars the SEM. p-values calculated by Student’s t-test (paired, 2-sided).