Outcome measures assessing muscle structure and function
Outcome Measure | Frequency in Clinical Trials (n) | Follow up (weeks) | Reliability |
Greyscale US – Gastrocnemius Fascicle Length | 132 | 4, 8 | Intra-Session Reliability in healthy adults without lower limb pain or injury: ICC=0.9154 |
Greyscale US –Gastrocnemius Pennation Angle | 132 | 4, 8 | Intra-Session Reliability in post-stroke patients: ICC=0.69-0.8255 Inter-Session Reliability in post-stroke patients: ICC=0.70-0.9655 |
Greyscale US –Gastrocnemius Muscle Thickness | 132 | 4, 8 | Intra-Session Reliability in post stroke patients: ICC=0.96-0.9955 Inter-Session Reliability in post stroke patients: ICC=0.97-0.9955 |
Isokinetic Dynamometry – 30 degrees / second (Peak Torque) | 136 | 8 | Test Re-Test Reliability in healthy, older women without lower limb pain or injury: ICC=0.89, SEM=8.7 units56 Inter-Session Reliability in healthy adults without lower limb pain or injury: ICC=0.9057 |
Isokinetic Dynamometry – 60 degrees / second (Peak Torque) | 133 | 12 | Intra-Session Reliability in patients following Achilles tendon rupture: ICC=0.80-0.9058 Inter-Session Reliability in patients following Achilles tendon rupture: ICC=0.76-0.9258 |
Isokinetic Dynamometry – 90 degrees / second (Peak Torque) | 131 | 12 | Test Re-Test Reliability in healthy, older women without lower limb pain or injury: ICC=0.85, SEM=8.9 units56 Inter-Session Reliability in healthy adults without lower limb pain or injury: ICC=0.9357 |
Isokinetic Dynamometry – 90 degrees / second (Total Work) | 131 | 12 | Not Reported |
Isokinetic Dynamometry – 120 degrees / second (Mean Peak Torque) | 136 | 8 | Intra-Session Reliability in healthy adults without lower limb pain or injury: r=0.9459 Inter-Session Reliability in healthy adults without lower limb pain or injury: r=0.9459 |
Isokinetic Dynamometry – 225 degrees / second (Peak Torque) | 131 | 12 | Intra-Session Reliability in patients with chronic mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: r=0.5531 |
Isokinetic Dynamometry – 225 degrees / second (Total Work) | 131 | 12 | Not Reported |
Toe Raise Test (Concentric) | 134 | 6, 12, 26, 52 | Test Re-Test Reliability in patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: ICC = 0.73-0.82, SEM=17% (0.1)60 |
Toe Raise Test (Concentric/ Eccentric) | 134 | 6, 12, 26, 52 | Test Re-Test Reliability in patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: ICC = 0.76-0.86, SEM=15-17% (72W)60 |
Isokinetic Dynamometry – 20 degrees / second (Mean Peak Torque for Endurance) | 133 | 12 | Not Reported |
Toe Raise Test | 334,35,37 | 6, 12, 26, 52 | Test Re-Test Reliability in patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: r=0.5635 Test Re-Test Reliability in healthy adults without lower limb pain or injury: ICC=0.78-0.8461 |
Single Leg CMJ – Height | 135 | 6, 12, 26 | Test Re-Test Reliability in patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: r=0.9335 |
Single Leg CMJ – Time in Air | 135 | 6, 12, 26 | Test Re-Test Reliability in patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: r=0.9335 |
Single Leg CMJ | 134 | 6, 12, 26, 52 | Test Re-Test Reliability in patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: ICC = 0.91, SEM=8% (1.2cm)60 |
Single Leg Drop CMJ | 134 | 6, 12, 26, 52 | Test Re-Test Reliability in patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: ICC = 0.88-0.92, SEM=11-13% (1.3-1.7cm)60 |
Hopping (Plyometric Quotient) | 234,37 | 6, 12, 26, 52 | Test Re-Test Reliability in patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: ICC = 0.83-0.94, SEM=9-11% (0.1)60 |
Sargant Jump Test | 136 | 8 | Test Re-Test Reliability in healthy adults without lower limb pain or injury: ICC=0.96, CV=3%62 |
US = Ultrasound; CMJ = coumter movement jump;