Quotation of Participants
Quotation 1 |
“I had to do all the child care, my baby was crying most of the timeand I had to calm him, I changed
diapers and washed clothes, I woke up several times at night to breast feed, I was in the hospital when my baby was sick, The child was too much work, In addition I have to do housework. I was so tired.”(p12). |
Quotation2 |
“I do not have free time, I have several responsibilities in life, I am always faced with lack of time, I
cannot be oblivious to child-rearing and I must consider my child. I devoted all my time to my child; I do not have any more time to do further work.”(p9). |
Quotation3 |
“Since I became a mother I have become an unhappy person, I cannot go anywhere and do anything, I
can neither go out for recreation nor travel. I cannot think freely. I mustthink about wife, child and my life” (p10) |
Quotation4 |
“I was in very bad condition during pregnancy, I was often hospitalizedor I had to rest at home, I also
suffered from anemia, I was not on a good nutrition plan, I experienced bleeding in pregnancy, my doctor said my problem was placenta Previa, I was very swollen, and my blood pressure had risen to 18. My doctor eventually said I had preeclampsia. I had a seizure at the time of delivery”. (p4) |
Quotation5 |
“I had a very difficult birth.The last confirmed date arrived, but labor didn’t start, and I was
hospitalized for 3 days. When the pain began, I endured it for 15 hours. My doctor said, because your age is low and growth is not yet complete, cervical dilatation does not progress”. (p15) |
Quotation6 |
“My Nipples were very tiny, it was very difficult for me to give milk to my baby. I had so much pain in
my breast because it was sore, when the child feeds, I had to clasp my teeth together, to help bear the pain”. (p8) |
Quotation7 |
“My husband does not help me. He believes that mothers should do all child care. When our child gets sick,
he says that he does not care. He says the mother must assume responsibility for the care of child” (p5). |
Quotation8 |
“I could not rely on anyone, my mother could not get along with me, and I had a bad relationship with
my mother in law. I have no help from my family, caring for my child was solely my responsibility. We had a lot of financial problems, we were tenant, and my husband was unemployed. We had no income and the cost for pregnancy and baby care had increased, yet we could not get help” (p2). |
Quotation9 |
“I did not know much about the care of children, I expected health care providers to pay more
attention to me, but they did not. When I asked about depression during counseling I was not given any help. They only took statistics of child’s height, weight and my blood pressure. I often needed guidance, but they did not answer my questions” (p7). |
Quotation10 |
“In most situations, I do not know what to do. I did not know why the baby cries. I had to get help from
others. I reach out to others who might be able to give good advice. I did not know how to take care of a sick child, what to give him medicine or food... Most of the time I had to ask my mother what I should do” (p10). |
Quotation11 |
“I wanted to breast feed my child but I did not know how to hold the baby and what position I should
be. My mother took care of me all the time; otherwise, when feeding the baby was suffocated” (p14). |
Quotation12 |
“I was always worried, because I thought I could not take care of the kid or nurture him. I think I was
not capable of doing child care. I felt I was too young for such responsibility. I was convinced I would not be successful in caring for child” (p13). |
Quotation13 |
“Many times I wanted to go back in time. I regretted it when I was in a very bad state, especially when I
experienced though times in motherhood. I did not like being a mother. ” (p3). |
Quotation14 |
“I had a very negative attitude towards children, especially when I lacked knowledge on what steps to
take. My baby cries because of my behavior, I do not tolerate children and end up hurting my child” (p9). |
Quotation15 |
“I was depressed after childbirth
I was crying, did not tolerate the crying of my baby. I had no desire
to get up my own or do something for myself. My relationship with others was reduced and I did not want to go out of the house. I was always sad and had a desire to be alone always.” (p11). |
Quotation16 |
“When I was pregnant, I and my husband were worried, about occurrences of dangerous problems for
me or my baby, so we were rarely happy. Sometimes I felt it was my husband's fault in causing early pregnancy. I get aggressive whenever I feel inadequate as a mother. Our relationship is not as good as before” (p7). |
Quotation17 |
“When I became pregnant, the headmaster said should not come to school. She said the presence of a
student with this condition (swollen abdomen) is not right” (P3).”Sometimes, the night before exam, when I should have been studying, my baby was sick and I had to leave studying and take care of the child” (p6). |
Quotation18 |
“Ever since I became a mother, my problems have increased. Usually I like to solve problems alone and
do not get help from others, but in this case it is not possible. Sometimes I have to break my pride and call on others for help”. (p2) |
Quotation19 |
“When I go to have fun with my friends, they are uncomfortable that there is a childalso. Child care
does not allow me to welcome my friends well and stay for a long time besides”. (p16) |
Quotation20 |
“When I was in the hospital, nurses taught me and said: “give milk to child in sitting positions because
breastfeeding in supine position may lead to choking of child” But I believed that nothing will happen somost times I breast feed my baby in the supine position”. (p6) |
Quotation21 |
“Since I became a mother, I have relegated my personal needs and desires, I no longer place priority
on shopping, beauty salons and self-gratifying needs. I am more concerned about my child’s welfare at all times.” (P11) |