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. 2018 Jul 13;18:226. doi: 10.1186/s12888-018-1806-8

Table 3.

Brain regions with the GMV positively associated with the RSS in participants with schizophrenia

Number Cluster size Brain regions Side BA MNI coordinate Peak t value
x y z
1 37729 Superior frontal cortex L 6 -26 -2 61 2.77
Precentral gyrus L 6 -34 -6 57 4.72
Postcentral gyrus L 4 -52 -15 51 3.37
Supplementary motor area L 6 -6 -13 64 4.53
Middle frontal cortex L 6 -26 1 63 2.70
2 15142 Precentral gyrus R 6 54 0 43 3.63
Postcentral gyrus R 4 52 -8 38 2.83
Middle frontal cortex R 6 41 -6 55 3.40

GMV gray matter volume, RSS responsive search score, BA Broadmann area, MNI Montreal Neurological Institute, R right, L left

Automated Anatomical Labeling (AAL) software [94] and the Brodmann templates implemented in MRIcroN software ( were employed to define Brodmann area