Fig. 2.
Amygdala and DCX expression. a Coronal level though caudal amygdala in a post mortem case indicating the location of the paralaminar nucleus with red arrows. PAC = peri-amygdala cortex, AB = accessory basal, B = basal and L = lateral nuclei. b DCX positive cells clusters and beaded fibres in the PAC of a surgical patient with TLE/HS; c In a further case, columns of DCX+ cells were seen in the PAC as well as horizontal processes. d Further surgical TLE/HS case with DCX Ab1 (see Table 2) with clusters of small immature cells with beaded processes and some with nuclear labelling (inset: shows coarser DCX+ bundles traversing the amygdala in a surgical case). e Clusters of small densely labelled immature DCX+ cells and processes in the amygdala in post mortem samples of paralaminar nucleus. f Post mortem caudal amygdala indicating the location of the paralaminar nucleus above the ventricle. g The paralaminar nucleus shown at low magnification in DCX labelled section, with nests of positive cells and clusters of processes indicated (arrows) running along the border. h At higher magnification these clusters correspond to small DCX+ cells intermingled with DCX immunonegative-negative mature neurons. Bar in A, F = 800 μm approx.; G = 100 μm approx.; in B, C, E, H = 50 μm approx.; in D = 20 μm approx