Table 2.
The early years of microbiota research in germ-free mice
Model system and intervention | Findings | References |
Germ-free mice vs. conventional mice | Significantly milder GVHD symptoms and longer survival after MHC*-disparate allo-HCT in germ-free mice | Connell, 19654 Jones, 19715 Van Bekkum, 19616 Van Bekkum,19777 |
Intact GVT and reduced GVHD after MHC-disparate allo-HCT in germ-free mice | Pollard, 19739 Pollard, 197410 Truitt, 197411 Truitt, 197612 | |
Germ-free mice vs. conventional mice vs. mice with consortium of colonization resistant intestinal microflora (anaerobes) |
Van Bekkum, 197413 |
Antibiotic-treated mice vs. untreated mice | Significantly milder GVHD in xenogeneic rat-to-mouse HCT; GVHD histology present but less inflamed in antibiotic-treated mice compared to conventional mice | Heit, 19738 |
Significantly milder GVHD symptoms and longer survival after MHC-disparate allo-HCT in antibiotic-treated mice | Van Bekkum, 196714 Heit, 197715 | |
Selective antibiotic decontamination of Enterobacteriaceae vs. conventional mice | Mitigation of delayed-type GVHD by selective decontamination of Enterobacteriaceae was minor and dependent on mouse model | Veenendaal, 198816 |
MHC=Major histocompatibility