Figure 1.
Unilateral hand movement modulates oscillatory power in bilateral Globus Pallidus interna (GPi). (A) Average power spectral densities across the cohort during rest (black curve) and unilateral finger tapping (red curve). Blue vertical shade indicates significant difference between resting and movement conditions as tested by two-group test of spectra and corrected for multiple comparisons. (B) Comparing average power for different frequency bands between rest (gray) and movement (red). (C) Comparison of percent change in the spectral power between the two GPi ipsilateral (green) and contralateral (blue) to the moving body side ((Power during movement − Power during rest)/Power during rest ×100). In panels (B,C), asterisk signs (*) indicate statistical significance of the difference between the two conditions as tested by paired t-test and corrected for multiple comparisons (P < 0.05).