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. 2018 Jul 13;67(27):753–757. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6727a1

TABLE 3. Percentage of adults aged ≥45 years with subjective cognitive decline (SCD), by SCD-related functional limitation status in preceding 12 months — Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 49 states,* Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia, 2015–2016.

Characteristic All with SCD
With SCD and functional limitations
With SCD but no functional limitations
Unweighted no. % (95% CI) Unweighted no. % (95% CI) Unweighted no. % (95% CI)
Ever discussed SCD with a health care professional
45.4 (43.8–46.9)
58.1 (55.9–60.3)
30.4 (34.6–35.6)
Gave up household activities or chores because of SCD
40.4 (38.9–42.0)
81.1 (79.0–83.1)
SCD interfered with ability to work, volunteer, or engage in social activities outside the home 23,675 36.5 (35.0–38.1) 11,049 73.3 (71.4–75.3) 12,456 §

Abbreviation: CI = confidence interval.

* Includes all states except Pennsylvania.

Always, usually, or sometimes.

§ By definition.