Figure 5.
Osteopenia in cadherin-deficient mice. (A) Whole-bone and mineral density (BMD), monitored by DXA bone scans at monthly intervals, was lower in Cdh2–/fl;ColCre than in Cdh2+/fl and wild type littermates from the age of 4 months on (*p<0.05 for genotype, 2-way ANOVA; n = 4–5). (B) MicroCT reconstruction of the tibial epiphysis and (B’) cross-section of the mid-diaphysis of control Cdh2+/fl mice, contrasting with more rarefied trabecular pattern (C) and smaller cortical cross-sectional area (C’) of Cdh2–/fl;ColCre mice. (D) BMD was significantly lower in Cdh2+/–;Cdh11–/– mice than in the other two genotype groups from the age of 2 months on (*p<0.05 for genotypes, 2-way ANOVA; n = 4–7). Relative to Cdh11–/– mice (E, E’), Cdh2+/–;Cdh11–/– mice exhibit severely disrupted trabecular microarchitecture (F) and severely diminished cortical cross-section (F’). Reprinted with permission from Ref. [50]