A, Knockdown of USP9X by shRNA #3 & #4 in MCF10A cells resulted in cell morphological change reminiscent of EMT. B, Increased expression of fibronectin, vimentin and decreased expression of E-Cadherin in USP9X knockdown MCF10A cells. C, Increased invasion activity of USP9X shRNA #3 MCF10A cells in matrigel transwell assays. D, USP9X shRNA #3 MCF7 cells displayed enhanced anchorage-independent growth in soft agar. E, Three-dimensional culture of USP9X shRNA #3 MCF10A in matrigel. USP9X shRNA #3 MCF10A acini have enlarged and disorganized morphology. F, USP9X and LATS expression are highly regulated by growth signal. MCF10A grown in different percentage of serum were assessed for the expression of USP9X, LATS, AMOT, YAP, and TAZ.