Figure 6. USP9X and LATS are positively correlated in cancer cell lines and pancreatic cancer tissues.
A, Decreased protein expression of USP9X, LATS, WW45, YAP, and TAZ was detected in pancreatic cancer cells. B, Increased mRNA levels of CTGF (left) and Cyr61 (right) in pancreatic cancer cells quantified by RT-PCR. C, USP9X, and LATS protein levels were downregulated in triple negative breast cancer cells. D, Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of USP9X and LATS in normal and pancreatic cancer tissue microarrays (left panel). USP9X and LATS protein expression were predominantly negative in pancreatic cancer tissues (right panel). E, Characterization of USP9X, LATS and YAP/TAZ antibodies used for IHC tissue staining (top). USP9X and LATS were expressed weakly as opposed to strong YAP/TAZ expression in analogous tissue sections derived from pancreatic cancer patients (bottom). F-H, Analysis of USP9X, YAP and YAP/TAZ target genes using pancreatic cancer patient dataset, GSE21501. F, Tumors expressing USP9X lower than the lower quartile cut off had shorter life-span. G-H, Positive correlation of YAP and its target gene CTGF only observed in the low expression of USP9X.