Table 1. DFT Optimized Au–H Bond Lengths (in Å) and Computed and Experimental 1H NMR Hydride Chemical Shifts of Gold Hydridesa.
In ppm vs TMS. All calculations done for PBE0-D3(BJ)/ECP/def2-TZVP optimized structures (see SI).
Chemical shifts computed at the 2c-ZORA(SO)/PBE0-XC/TZ2P level; SO-induced contributions to hydride shifts, δSO, are given in parentheses.
For comparative purposes, the hydride shifts were also computed at the four-component, fully relativistic 4c-mDKS/PBE0/Dyall-VDZ/IGLO-II level.
Solvents used in NMR measurements are given in parentheses.
This work.