Figure 4.
Circuit responses to amino acid inputs. (a) Amino acids (AA) stimulate the secretion of both insulin and glucagon. (b) Schematic example of coordinated behavior of insulin (blue line) and glucagon (green dashed line) over time after a step amino-acid stimulus (orange shaded area). (c) Schematic example of uncoordinated behavior of insulin (blue line) and glucagon (green dashed line) over time after a step amino-acid stimulus (red shaded area). (d) Schematics of nullclines for the T4 circuit with a double positive interaction between the two hormones, without AA input (continuous lines) and with the AA input (dashed lines): intersections (dots) represent steady states (LL - HH). (e) Schematics of nullclines for the T2 circuit with a double negative interaction between the two hormones without AA input (continuous lines) and with the AA input (dashed lines); intersections (dots) represent steady states (LH - HL). After the AA stimulus, nullclines shift and both steady states decrease (red dots). (f) Schematics nullclines for a negative feedback between the hormones (continuous lines); the intersection (dot) represents a single steady state; after the AA stimulus, nullclines shift (dashed lines) and both hormones increase (HH).