Fig. 6.
MBOA-induced effects on plant and herbivore performance depend on the soil microbiota. a, b Shoot biomass (a) and caterpillar growth rate (b) of wild type (WT) B73 plants growing in soils previously conditioned by benzoxazinoid (BX)-deficient bx1 mutant plants (BX−), which were complemented with water or MBOA with and without subsequent sterilization (+SE, n = 11). c Fold changes of leaf markers in WT B73 plants growing in BX− soils which were complemented with MBOA relative to water-treated BX− soils with and without subsequent sterilization (+SE, n = 11). For full datasets, refer to Supplementary Fig. 8. Cond. or C, conditioning. Treat or T, treatment; n.s., no significant; DW, dry weight. Stars indicate significant differences between complementation treatments within soil treatments (ANOVA, FDR-corrected LSMeans, *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001)