The new H3K9me2 domain forms gradually during new telomere elongation. (A) Telomere formation was induced, and samples were taken at different time points for analysis of telomere lengths and H3K9me2 levels. (B) The primer sets used to monitor the levels of histone H3K9me2 enrichment at several loci are shown as red bars. Distances are relative to the I-SceI cut site, represented as a red arrowhead. The 0.9- and 3-kb probes are in ura4+ (u+) and gal1+ (g+), respectively; h+, hph+. (C to F) (Right) Four independent kinetic analyses of the levels of histone H3K9me2 enrichment at several loci over ∼8 PDs, normalized to total histone H3 levels at each locus (see Materials and Methods). (Left) Statistical comparisons of ChIP time courses of H3K9me2 spreading compared to uninduced H3K9me2 levels. Statistically significant differences (P < 0.05; t test) are indicated by asterisks. Statistical method details are provided in “Statistical analysis of ChIP” (Materials and Methods). (The primers for the loci at 23, 36, 32, and 35 kb were omitted in panels D and E.)