(A) Measurement of Young’s modulus. With increasing pressure (P) the spheroid travels a distance (L) through the micropipette barrel of inner diameter (Dp). A representative spheroid is shown with aspiration at 3 different pressures. The normalized distance (2L/Dp) is linearly related to the applied pressure and the slope of the linear regression defines the Young’s modulus. Scale bars indicate 100 μm. (B) Spheroid stiffness was measured by micropipette aspiration and quantified to measure the Young’s Modulus of stiffness in single cells (non-IPF, n = 3; IPF, n = 5) and in spheroids (non-IPF, n = 6; IPF, n = 6). (C) The effects of PF670462 on TGF-β (100 pM)-induced COL1A and CTGF mRNA expression from pFb monolayers and spheroids from IPF and non-IPF pFbs are presented as the means and SEM of (for monolayer expression: non-IPF, n = 3; IPF, n = 5) and (for spheroid expression: non-IPF, n = 9; IPF, n = 6). (D) Cell number expressed as a percentage of the basal cell number in the presence and absence of vehicle (Veh) or PF670462 in cells from non-IPF or IPF donors in the presence and absence of the mitogen, bFGF (n = 6). ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01 from two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test or 1-way ANOVA with Dunnet’s post hoc test. ∧P < 0.05 from one-sample t-test compared to 1.0.