ARPP19 promoted TPC-1 cells proliferation in vitro. A. Top: mRNA levels of ARPP19 in the cells transfected with ARPP19 over-expression plasmids or shRNA-mediated knock-down plasmids were determined by qRT-PCR. Bottom: proteins levels were also confirmed by western blot. Representative images of western blot were shown, bands were quantitated by densitometry and normalized against GAPDH. **, P< 0.01, compared with CV; ##, P< 0.01, compared with scramble. B. Growth curves of each group were obtained by CCK-8 assay in TPC-1 cells transfected with ARPP19 or shRNA of ARPP19 plasmids. OD490 was measured at 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours. C. IT click-iT EdU cell proliferation assay was performed to evaluate the number of dividing cells in TPC-1 transfected with ARPP19 or shRNA of ARPP19 plasmids. Representative immunofluorescent images were shown and average number of Edu labeled cells which indicated dividing cells were counted (magnification, ×200). **, P<0.01 compared with CV; ##, P<0.01; ###, P<0.001 compared with scramble.