Fig. 7.
Hermatomyces reticulatus (PMA 116078 – holotype). A. Colonies on the natural substrate showing well-developed subiculum. B. Subicular hyphae. C–G. Young lenticular conidia (stained with lacto-cotton blue at C–E). H–K. Mature lenticular conidia. L–M. Envelope and content of the holotype of Subicularium reticulatum (BPI 1100692). N. Colonies on the natural substrate. O. Young conidium (stained with lacto-cotton blue). P–R. Mature conidia (stained with lacto-cotton blue at Q). Bar A = 500 μm, B–G = 10 μm, H–K = 20 μm, N = 500 μm, O = 10 μm, P–R = 20 μm.