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. 2017 Dec 12;27(2):333–342. doi: 10.1007/s10068-017-0281-1

Table 4.

Precision and accuracy for vitamins in broccoli

Type of vitamin Parameter Precision Accuracya
Repeatabilityb Reproducibilityc Recovery (%)
Vitamin C Meand 682.66 665.05 105.15
SD 15.82 19.35 3.81
CV (%) 2.32 2.91 3.63
α-Tocopherol Mean 4.26 5.24 98.68
SD 0.12 0.19 1.80
CV (%) 2.78 3.56 1.82
γ-Tocopherol Mean 0.95 1.10 116.55
SD 0.04 0.07 4.74
CV (%) 4.20 6.07 4.07
Vitamin K Mean 1.42 1.46 99.88
SD 0.04 0.07 3.00
CV (%) 3.07 4.69 3.01
β-Carotene Mean 0.52 0.54 102.27
SD 0.01 0.03 1.18
CV (%) 2.14 5.48 1.15

aAccuracy is a measure of the closeness of the analytical result to the true value determined by analyzing a spiked sample

bRepeatability was evaluated using five independent analyses of replicate sample performed on a given day

cReproducibility was evaluated using five independent analyses of replicate sample performed on a different day

dConcentration of vitamins expressed as mg/100 g as dry weight basis