Visualization of rodent astrocytes with immunostaining against canonic markers GFAP, S100B, and glutamine synthetase. A–C: GFAP-stained astrocytes in entorhinal cortex (A), prefrontal cortex (B), and CA1 area of hippocampus (C). [A–C from Rodriguez et al. (1483). Reprinted with permission from Eureka Science Ltd.] D: astrocyte stained with antibody against S100B in the dentate gyrus of hippocampus. E: hippocampal astrcytes stained with anti-glutamine synthetase antibody. [D and E from Rodriguez-Arellano et al. (1480), with permission from Elsevier; and Rodriguez et al. (1486), with permission from Elsevier.] F: cortical tissue preparation with astrocytes labeled in green (EGFP expressed under EAAT2 promoter), astroglial nuclei labeled in pink were stained with antibodies against SOX9, and neurons (in red) were stained with antibodies against NeuroN. (From Sun and Nedergaard, unpublished observation.)