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. 2017 Dec 13;98(1):239–389. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00042.2016

Table 2.

Channels in astrocytes

Current or Channel Type/Subunit Experimental Preparation/Technique Pharmacology Biophysical Properties and Functional Relevance Reference Nos.
Voltage-gated sodium channels
INa Rat/cultured primary astroglia/whole cell voltage clamp TTX (KD ~0.5 mM), STX (KD ~30 nM) First detection of fast voltage-activated Na+ currents in astrocytes; INa amplitudes were ~1 nA. Authors suggested that astrocytes synthesize Na+ (and K+) channels for subsequent insertion into the neighboring axon. 166
INa Rat/cultured primary astroglia/optic nerve/whole cell voltage clamp TTX (KD ~2.8 nM) INa was detected in the majority of type 2 astrocytes and in many type 1 cells; respective current amplitudes were 400–3,100 pA and 10–300 pA. Glial INa had slower kinetics when compared with neuronal currents. In type 1 astrocytes, the steady-state inactivation curve was significantly shifted into hyperpolarizing direction with h∞ ~-80 mV. 105, 106
INa fast, INa slow Rat/cultured primary astroglia/optic nerve, hippocampus/whole cell voltage clamp Two types of INa with distinct (fast and slow) kinetics and steady-state inactivation were dissected. With increasing time in culture, slow current became dominant in hippocampal cultures. 1649, 1650
INa TTX sensitive, INa TTX resistant Rat/cultured primary astroglia/optic nerve, hippocampus/whole cell voltage clamp TTX (KD ~5.7 nM), TTX (KD ~1,007 nM) The TTX-sensitive INa was confined to stellate astrocytes, whereas TTX-resistant INa dominated in fibroblast-like astrocytes. 1647, 1652
INa slow Rat/tissue prints/optic nerve, hippocampus/whole cell voltage clamp TTX (10 μM) In tissue prints of astrocytes at P2, INa was not detected; in contrast, at P10, all astrocytes demonstrated slow INa. 107
INa Rat/acute slices/hippocampus/whole cell voltage clamp INa was recorded from a minor subpopulation (5 of 40) of GFAP-positive astrocytes. 1651
INa Rat/acute slices/spinal cord/whole cell voltage clamp INa with amplitudes of 20–55 pA was recorded from a subpopulation of cells with small somata and long processes with faint GFAP staining. 337
Nav1.5, Nav1.2, Nav1.3 Rat/cultured primary astroglia/spinal cord/RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, immunocytochemistry The Nav1.5 identified as the predominant type of astroglial Na+ channels. 185, 189
Nav1.6 Rat/cultured primary astroglia/spinal cord/immunocytochemistry The Nav1.6 expression was detected in embryonic cultures; immunoreactivity was confined to stellate cells only. 1444
Non-voltage-gated sodium channels
Nax Rat The Nax channel is expressed in astrocytes and ependymocytes in circumventricular organs. The channel is activated by an increase in [Na+]o above 150 mM; the activation threshold is reduced to ~140 mM in the presence of endothelin-3 acting through ETBRs. 1234, 1613, 1864
ENaC Rat/tissue section/immunocytochemistry The ENaC γ-subunits were found in GFAP-positive astrocytes using specific antibodies. 1116
Voltage-gated calcium channels
L-type Ca2+ currents Rat/cultured primary astroglia/cortex/two-electrode patch clamp Co2+ (2–10 mM), Cd2+ (1 mM), nifedipine (10 μM) Ba2+-dependent action potentials or Ba2+ current were measured from individual astrocytes; at 10 mM Ba2+, maximal amplitudes were at nA range. Norepinephrine or dbt-cAMP enhanced or induced Ba2+ currents. 1038, 1041
L-type Ca2+ currents Rat/cultured primary astroglia/cortex/whole cell patch clamp Nifedipine (100 μM) Ca2+ currents with maximal amplitudes ~100–200 pA were recorded only after cell preincubation for 1–2 h with forskolin or 8-bromo-cAMP. 104
L- and T-type of Ca2+ currents Rat/cultured primary astroglia/acutely isolated astrocytes/tissue prints/optic nerve/whole cell patch clamp High (L) and low (T) Ca2+ currents with maximal amplitudes of 50–200 pA were recorded from the majority of neonatal astrocytes. With age (at P30), T currents disappeared and L currents were detected only in 37% of cells. 106, 107
L-type Ca2+ currents Rat/cultured primary astroglia/acutely isolated astrocytes/hippocampus/ [Ca2+]i microfluorimetry Co2+ (1 mM), verapamil (>30 μM), nifedipine (100 μM), BAY K 8644 (10 μM) High K+ depolarization triggered transient elevations in [Ca2+]i reaching ~1 mM; these were strictly dependent on [Ca2+]o, where inhibited by Ca2+ blockers and potentiated by BAY K 8644. 460, 1040
L-, N-, and R-type Ca2+ currents Rat/cultured primary astroglia/cortex/whole cell or perforated patch clamp Nifedipine (5 μM), ω-conotoxin GVIA (3 μM), SNX-482 (100 nM) Ba2+ whole cell and single-channel currents showed complex pharmacological behavior. Whole cell currents were partially sensitive to L-, N-, and R-type Ca2+ blockers. RT-PCR revealed expression of relevant α1 subunits. 374
L-type Ca2+ currents Rat/cultured primary astroglia/hippocampus/ [Ca2+]i microfluorimetry Cd2+ (100 μM) High K+ depolarization triggered transient elevations in [Ca2+]i, which instigated vesicular release of glutamate. RT-PCR revealed expression of mRNAs for α1B, α1C, α1D, and α1E VGCC subunits. 1909
Cav1.2, Cv1.3 channels Mouse/primary culture/cortex/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry Verapamil (5 μM), nifedipine (5 μM) High K+ depolarization induced [Ca2+]i transients, which disappeared after removal of extracellular Ca2+. Expression of mRNA for Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 was detected at mRNA and protein levels. In Cav1.2 KO mice, [Ca2+]i transients were reduced by 80%. 314
L-type Ca2+ channels Rat/acute slices/ventrobasal thalamus/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry Nifedipine (1 μM), BAY K 8644 Spontaneous astroglial [Ca2+]i oscillations were potentiated by BAY K 8644 and inhibited by nifedipine. 1331, 1332
Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ channels (ICRAC/ORAI)
ORAI1 Rat/primary culture/cortex/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry, RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry Expression of ORAI1 and STIM1 was detected at mRNA and protein level; overexpression of ORA1/STIM1 increased, whereas siRNA KO decreased thrombin-induced SOCE. 1150
ORAI3, ORAI2 Rat/primary culture/hippocampus/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry, RT-PCR Pyr6 (5μM) Expression of ORAI3 mRNA was predominant, exceeding expression of ORAI2 6 times; ORAI1 was not detected at all. 1492
TRP channels
TRPA1 Rat/tissue sections/trigeminal caudal nucleus/immunogold electron microscopy TRPA1 immunoreactivity was detected in the somata and processes of astrocytes; immunoreactivity increased significantly in the fine process of astrocyte in rats with experimental inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. 965
TRPA1 Rat/primary cultures, acute slices/hippocampus/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry, whole cell voltage clamp Gd3+, Li3+, TRP antagonist HC030031 (40 μM), TRPA1 agonist AITC (1 μM) Constitutive activity of TRPA1 channels was found to trigger “spotty” near-membrane Ca2+ microdomains and contributed to resting [Ca2+]i. 1611
TRPV1 Rat/brain, spinal cord/immunocytochemistry, immuno-EM TRPV1 channels were identified in astrocytes throughout the CNS. TRPV1 protein was preferentially localized in astroglial processes. 442, 1755
TRPV1 Rat/primary culture/whole cell patch clamp, immunocytochemistry Capsazepine (30 μM) TRPV1 channels were detected immunocytochemically; ~90% of all cell demonstrated TRPV1-mediated currents. 746
TRPV4 Rat/primary culture/whole cell patch clamp/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry, immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR TRPV4 agonist 4α-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate, 4αPDD (3 μM) TPPV4 were detected at transcript and protein levels. Astrocytes generated TRPV4-mediated currents and [Ca2+]i transients. 135
TRPV4 Rat/hippocampus/acute slices, primary cultures/whole cell patch clamp/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry, immunocytochemistry, Q-PCR TRPV4 agonist 4αPDD (5 μM) Postischemic astrogliosis was associated with an increase in TRPV4 expression, TRPV4-mediated currents, and [Ca2+]i transients 265
TRPC1, TRPC4, TRPC5, Mouse embryo/primary culture, acutely isolated astrocytes/cortex/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry, immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR Members of TRPC family were detected at transcript and protein level. Treatment with anti-TRPC1 inhibiting antibody suppressed astroglial [Ca2+]i transients, likely due to an inhibition of SOCE 587, 606, 1055, 1393, 1462
TRPC6 Mouse/primary culture/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry In vitro knockdown of TPRC6 reduced receptor-induced Ca2+ entry. Treatment of astrocytes with IL-1β for 24–48 h increased TRPC6 expression and disrupted Ca2+ homeostasis. 163
Acid-sensitive ion channels, ASICs
ASIC1, ASIC 2a, ASIC3 Rat/primary culture/cortex/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry, whole cell voltage clamp ASICs expression was confirmed with immunocytochemistry and Western blotting; ASICs were mainly localized to the nuclei. 746
Inward rectifying potassium channels
Inward rectifying K+ current Rat/acutely isolated astrocytes/hippocampus/whole cell patch clamp Ba2+ (10 mM) The inwardly rectifying K+ currents were isolated after inhibiting other K+ conductances with a mixture of TEA and 4-AP. 1763
Inward rectifying K+ current Rat/primary cultures/spinal cord/whole cell patch clamp, cell-attached patch clamp Cs+ (KD 189 μM), Ba2+ (KD 3.5 μM), TEA (90% block at 10 mM) Two types of single-channel currents with conductances of 28 and 80 pS were detected. The open probability was largest at EK. 1434
Kir4.1 channels Rat/primary culture/acute slices/whole cell patch clamp; RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry Ba2+ (100 μM) The Kir4.1 channels (detected at mRNA and protein levels) were principally responsible for resting K+ conductance. Genetic deletion of Kir4.1 protein resulted in depolarizing shift in resting Vm and in a 4.5 times increase in the input resistance. 1265
Kir4.1 homomeric, Kir4.1/Kir5.1 heteromeric channels Mouse/brain sections/cortex, hippocampus, olfactory bulb, thalamus/immunocytochemistry/immunoelectron microscopy Both Kir4.1 and Kir5.1 are expressed specifically in astrocytes; the Kir4.1/Kir5.1 colocalization was detected in cortex, hippocampus, and pontine nucleus. The Kir4.1/Kir5.1 heteromers were mainly confined to perivascular and perisynaptic processes. 694
Kir2.1, Kir2.2, Kir 2.3 Mouse/acute slices/hippocampus/whole cell patch clamp, RT-PCR Ba2+ (100 μM) Strongly rectifying Kir currents reflected the expression (at mRNA level) of Kir2.1, Kir2.2, Kir2.3 channel isoforms. These current were inhibited following activation of AMPA receptors; inhibition was due to an increased Na+ influx. 1576
Kir6.1 Rat, mouse/brain sections, acute slices/cerebellum Tolbutamide (100 μM) Kir6.1 expression was found in astrocytes from hippocampus, cortex, and cerebellum; Kir6.2 was detected in neurons only. Whole cell recordings revealed tolbutamide-sensitive KATP currents in Bergmann glial cells. 1745
Voltage-independent two-pore domain (K2P) K+ channels
TREK-1,TWIK-1 Rat/Acute slices/Hippocampus/Whole-cell patch clamp, Immunocytochemistry Quinine (200 μM) TREK-1,TWIK-1 channels were detected immunocytochemically and whole-cell currents sensitive to quinine were considered to reflect their operation. 1955
TREK-1,TREK-2,TWIK-1 Mouse/freshly isolated astrocytes/hippocampus/whole cell voltage clamp, singe-cell RT-PCR Quinine (200 μM), bupivacaine (200 μM) Transcripts for TREK-1,TREK-2, and TWIK-1 were identified in single astrocytes. K2P currents (with almost linear IV relationship) were isolated as quinine- or bupivacaine-sensitive components after inhibition of Kir and A-currents with Ba2+ and 4-AP. 1588
TWIK-1/TREK-1 heterodimer Mouse/primary cultures/brain sections/whole cell voltage clamp, immunocytochemistry The TREK1/K2P2.1(KCNK2) and TWIK1/K2P1.1(KCNK1) channels were localized in hippocampal astrocytes by immunocytochemistry. Acidification increased currents mediated by TREK1 channels. Further analysis in cultured cortical astrocytes and in astrocytes in hippocampal slices identified TWIK-1/TREK-1 heterodimer (formed by disulfide bridge between cysteine-cysteine residuals of both subunits) as the predominant form of astroglial channel. 756, 1874, 1955
Voltage-gated delayed rectifying K+ currents
KSI (slow inactivating), KD, KA Rat/primary cultures/spinal cord/whole cell patch clamp 4-AP (100 μM to 8 mM) At 100 μM, 4-AP inhibited slowly inactivating outward current KSI; at 2 mM, KA and KD; at 8 mM, KIR. 214
Kv1.5 Rat/primary cultures, acute slices/hippocampus, cerebellum, spinal cord/immunocytochemistry, whole cell patch clamp TEA (0.4–40 mM) Specific Kv1.5 antibodies revealed widespread staining of GFAP-positive astrocytes, with particularly high immunoreactivity in perivascular endfeet. Treatment of astrocytes with Kv1.5 siRNA halved the amplitudes of delayed rectifying whole cell currents. 1513
Kv1.4 Rat/tissue sections/spinal cord/immunocytochemistry, Western blot, in situ hybridization Both mRNA and protein for Kv1.4 were identified in astrocytes; Kv1.4 expression increased 6 wk after spinal cord injury 466
Kv11.1, or ERG1 (ether-à-go-go-related gene) Rat/acute slices/hippocampus/immunocytochemistry, whole cell patch clamp Dofetilide (100–1,000 nM), E4031 (100 nM) ERG1 channels were localized to astrocytes by immunocytochemistry and characterized electrophysiologically 475
Rapidly inactivated K+ current (A-current)
A-current Rat/hippocampus/acutely isolated astrocytes/whole cell patch clamp 4-AP (1 mM) The A-current has a characteristic fast kinetics and steady-state inactivation with V0.5 at −60 mV 1763
Kv4.3, Kv3.2, Kv1 Rat/primary cultures/hippocampus/whole cell patch clamp, RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry 4-AP (4 mM), TEA (10 mM), ETYA (nonhydrolyzable analog of arachidonic acid, 10 μM) Pharmacological analysis indicated that Kv4, Kv3, and Kv1 account for 70, 10, and <5% of A-current, respectively. 124
Ca2+-activated K+ channels
BK, IK Rat/primary culture/cortex, hippocampus/cell-attached and whole cell patch clamp TEA (1 mM) Two types of unitary KCa currents with conductances of 71 ± 6 and 161 ± 11 pS were detected. KCa currents were potentiated by activation of mGluRs. 562
SK3 (KCa2.3) Rat, mice/supraoptic nucleus/sections/immunocytochemistry Immunoreactivity for SK3(KCa2.3) was mainly confined to astroglial processes. 65
BK Rat/cortex/acute slices/perforated whole cell patch clamp, cell-attached patch clamp Iberiotoxin, IbTX (200 nM), TEA (1 mM) In astroglial endfeet, both whole cell and single-channel (unitary conductance 225 pS) BK currents were observed. 511
KCa3.1 Mouse/acute slices/cortex, whole cell patch clamp, immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR KCa3.1 blocker TRAM-34 (1 mM), KCa2.1–2.3 and KCa3.1 agonist NS309 Astrocytes express KCa2.3 and KCa3.1 mRNA; immunoreactivity of KCa3.1 was restricted to processes. KCa2.1/KCa3/1 opener increased, whereas KCa3.1 inhibitor decreased whole cell currents. 1006
Intracellular Ca2+ channels
InsP3R type 2 Mouse, rat/primary cultures, brain sections/RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry, transgenic techniques The InsP3R2 are considered to be the main type of InsP3 receptors in astroglia. Genetic deletion of InsP3 R2 leads to an almost complete disappearance of global astrocytic Ca2+ signals. 678, 718, 820, 1381, 1598, 1602, 1817
InsP3R type 1, InsP3R type 2 Mouse/primary cultures/organotypic and freshly isolated hipocampal slices/RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry, /[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry InsP3 R1 transcripts and proteins were detected in astrocytes cultured from hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Evidence for InsP3R1/2-mediated Ca2+ release was obtained in imaging experiments. 607, 986, 1604
RyR3 Mouse/primary cultures/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry Ryanodine (200 mM), chloro-m-cresol (4 mM) RYR agonist chloro-m-cresol triggered [Ca2+]i elevation. 1089
TPC1, TPC2 Rat/primary culture/cortex/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry, RT-PCR NED-19 (TPC channel blocker, 10 μM), bafilomycin 1A (100 nM) Injection of 100 nM NAADP triggered [Ca2+]i transients, sensitive to NED-19 and preincubation with bafilomycin 1A. RT-PCR revealed transcripts for TPC1 and TPC2 channels. 1370
Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels
Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels, HCN1–4 Mouse/freshly isolated, FACS sorted astrocytes, acute slices/RT-qPCR, whole cell patch clamp NCN 1–4 were detected at mRNA level; the whole cell HNC-mediated currents have been characterized. 719, 1520
Anion channels
Voltage-gated Cl channels, ClC-1, ClC-2, ClC3 Mouse/primary cultures, acute slices/whole cell voltage clamp ClC channels were detected at mRNA and protein levels. Inwardly rectifying Cl currents (i.e., promoting Cl efflux) have been characterized. 456, 1054, 1326, 1489
Best1 Mouse/primary culture, acute slices/cortex, hippocampus/[Ca2+]i microfluorimetry, whole cell perforated patch clamp, RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry Niflumic acid (100 μM), flufenamic acid (100 μM), NPPB (100 μM) Best1 was detected at mRNA (single-cell RT-PCR) and protein levels. Whole cell currents were characterized in isolated astrocytes and in astrocytes in slices. Silencing of Best1 gene with shRNA significantly suppressed Cl currents. 1324
Volume-regulated anion channels, VRAC/SWELL1 Mouse/primary culture, acute slices/whole cell voltage clamp Channels have been mainly characterized in vitro; VRAC channels have been shown to mediate release of excitatory amino acids, which have been detected in vitro and in situ. Increase in [Na+]i suppressed VRAC activity. 5, 138, 867, 868, 1122, 1333
Aquaporin: AQP1, AQP4, AQP9 Mouse, rat/primary culture, brain sections/RT-PCR, immunocytochemostry The main astroglial type is AQP4, which is primarily concentrated in the endfeet; are important water pathways, form the molecular basis for the glymphatic system. 1184, 1749
Connexons and pannexons
Cx43 Mouse/primary culture/Northern blot, immunocytochemistry, double-cell patch clamp The Cx43 expression was found at cRNA and protein level with immunoreactivity; mainly concentrated at intercellular contact areas. Single-channel conductance was determined at ~56 pS. 570
Cx26 Rat, mouse/brain/tissue sections/Northern blot, Western blot, immunocytochemistry, EM Expression of Cx26 was detected in astroglial gap junctions. 1187
Cx30 Rat/whole brain/primary cultures, tissue sections, acute brain slices/immunocytochemistry, EM Cx30 protein was detected in astrocytes in situ and in vitro; Cx30 expression increased postnatally attaining maximum at 4 wk after birth. Cx30 was colocalized with Cx43 at gap junctions. 923, 1189
Cx26-Cx32 or Cx43/32-Cx47 Mouse/whole brain/brain sections/immunocytochemistry Heteromeric Cx26-Cx32 or Cx43/32-Cx47 gap junctional channels were found to connect astrocytes with oligodendrocytes. 28
Panx1 Mouse/primary cultures/RT-PCR, whole cell perforated patch clamp CBX (50 mM), MFQ (100 nM) Detected at mRNA level and by voltage clamp on cultured embryonic astrocytes. 749, 758, 1443