Statistical analysis GUI. Spectral kurtosis is computed on wavelet transforms in each segmentation window and averaged over frequencies. Kurtosis distribution is fitted with a set of known distributions available in the Matlab statistical toolbox. A kurtosis threshold is set on the distribution which equals the mean of the distribution plus 3 SD. Channels are ranked according to the number of windows with kurtosis over the threshold. Windows with kurtosis distributed uniformly over all the frequencies do not contribute to the ranking. In this case, the fitted distribution is a generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution and the threshold is equal to 13. In the upper right panel of the statistic GUI, the channels are sorted according to their mean kurtosis; in this case OF8–OF9 and OF9–OF10 are the channels with the highest number of windows with kurtosis exceeding 13. The distribution of frequencies with kurtosis over threshold is also depicted.